Monday, September 22, 2014

INFO for next week, Sept. 29- Oct. 3

*A medicine form needs to be filled out in the office to allow us to distribute any cough drops to your child.
*Please send in only healthy morning snacks. Please avoid juice because it can be messy. If unhealthy snacks (treats) come in, we will ask the child to save them for lunch.
*Fliptop water bottles are great in the classroom. Twist off tend to spill regularly.
*We have begun our Enrichment Blocks in Reading and Math. This will allow for small group differentiated instruction twice each day.
*Agendas and Take-Home Folders need to go home and back each day. Also, please sign your child's agenda each day. Thanks!
*Weekly homework packets will go home on Monday and need to be completed and returned by Friday morning.
*Please write a note in their agenda if there is a change to their regular dismissal location. Front door is car pick-up and back door is walkers and Boys/Girls Club.
*Wednesday, Oct. 8 we will be walking to the Holland Farmer's Market. We will also be reading a story the week of Oct. 8 about a farmer's market. If you would like to join us, please contact your child's teacher.

Addition Equations and Stories, Quick Quiz, Explore Solution Methods, Addition Strategies: Counting On

Amazing Words: classmate, polite, recess, applaud, success, education, principal, science, complicated

Plot, Questioning- School Day


EBLI Lessons

We will continue with our topic of the EARTH in SPACE. We will learn about the Earth, Moon, & Sun, Reasons for Day & Night, Reasons for the Seasons, and Rotations & Revolutions.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

INFO for next week, Sept. 22-26

Reminders:*FRIDAY, Sept. 26 is picture day.  Info has gone home.  There is no dress code this day. 
*A medicine form needs to be filled out in the office to allow us to distribute any cough drops to your child.
*Please send in only healthy morning snacks. Please avoid juice because it can be messy. If unhealthy snacks (treats) come in, we will ask the child to save them for lunch.
*Fliptop water bottles are great in the classroom. Twist off tend to spill regularly.
*In the coming weeks, we hope to begin our Enrichment Blocks in Reading and Math.  This will allow for small group differentiated instruction twice each day. 
*Agendas and Take-Home Folders need to go home and back each day. Also, please sign your child's agenda each day. Thanks!
*Weekly homework packets will go home on Monday and need to be completed and returned by Friday morning.
*Please write a note in their agenda if there is a change to their regular dismissal location. Front door is car pick-up and back door is walkers and Boys/Girls Club.
*Wednesday, Oct. 8 we will be walking to the Holland Farmer's Market.  We will also be reading a story the week of Oct. 8 about a farmer's market. If you would like to join us, please contact your child's teacher. 

Math Chapter 1 Review & Assessment: Patterns and Number Patterns Through Ten, Represent Addition, Addition with Circle Drawings, Addition Equations

Amazing Words: amusing, neighbor, trouble, porch, introduce, corner, deliver, squirrel

Realism & Fantasy, Questioning- The Big Top
Simple Sentences

EBLI Lessons

We will begin on our topic of the EARTH in SPACE.  We will learn about the Earth, Moon, & Sun, Reasons for Day & Night, Reasons for the Seasons, and Rotations & Revolutions. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

INFO for Sept. 15-19

*A medicine form needs to be filled out in the office to allow us to distribute any cough drops to your child. 
*Please send in only healthy morning snacks.  Please avoid juice because it can be messy.  If unhealthy snacks (treats) come in, we will ask the child to save them for lunch. 
*Fliptop water bottles are great in the classroom.  Twist off tend to spill regularly. 
*Next week is our NWEA testing week.  Please encourage your child to do their best!
*Agendas and Take-Home Folders need to go home and back each day.  Also, please sign your child's agenda each day.  Thanks! 
*Weekly homework packets will go home on Monday and need to be completed and returned  by Friday morning. 
*Please write a note in their agenda if there is a change to their regular dismissal location.  Front door is car pick-up and back door is walkers and Boys/Girls Club.
*Friday, Sept. 19 we are taking a walking trip to the Boys and Girls Club.  Permission slips go home Monday.  Also, please send fifty cents in for your child for our Holland Farmer's Market visit on Wednesday, Oct. 8.   

Partners of 8, Partners of 9, Partners of 10, Focus on Mathematical Practices

Amazing Words: active, pavement, puddle, overflowing, lawn, newspaper, banner, patio

Plot, Story Structure- Tip and Tam

Verbs in Sentences

EBLI Lessons

Thursday, September 4, 2014

INFO for next week, Sept. 8-12

*Please have your children at school by 7:50 in the morning.  We begin instruction at 8:00.
*Heads Up on Testing...we will have 4 days of hour long tests the week of September 15. 
*Weekly Homework Packets will go home on Monday and are due by Friday morning.
*Please sign your child's agenda each evening.

Amazing Words: adult, depend, gallery, scurry, childhood, portrait, entertain

Nouns for Places

Setting & Predictions: Snap!

EBLI Lessons

Partners of 2 Through 5

Partners of 6

Partners of 7