Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Weeks 38 & 39 (June 5-13)

*AR Book Bags will be going home a couple more times this year.  Please follow directions on the paper inside the bag.  Thank you for your help with this routine. 

*Big THANKS to Kate Schaap for copying for our classroom all year long! :)

Monday, June 5: Walking Trip to Herrick District Library- Please send kids to school with comfy shoes!  
Tuesday, June 6: Pajama/Stuffed Animal Day
Wednesday, June 7: Field Day in the Afternoon- Sneakers please!  
Thursday, June 8: Aquatic Center in the Morning- Students need swim suit and towel in a bag!  
Friday, June 9: Celebration afternoon at the Park with 5th Grade Reading Buddies
Monday, June 12: Movie Reward
Tuesday, June 13: Last Day, Dismissal at 11:30

MATH  (June 5-13)
We will be wrapping up our final Chapter 8 over 2-Digit Addition.  We will also play some math games to practice our fact fluency.  

READING (June 5-13))
Amazing Words: accomplish, original, (un)manned, exclaim, doubt, glider, soar

High-Frequency Words: answered, different, carry, poor

**Spelling Words (TEST on June 9): unhappy, undo, undress, untie, unkind, rewind, refill, repay, retell, reopen

Theme -The Stone Garden

Prepositional Phrases

EBLI Lessons   

We are wrapping up the year with healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Week 37 (May 30- June 2)

Our virtue for the month of May is INTEGRITY.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.

*Spelling is a part of our weekly routine.  Words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas should go home and back each day. FRIDAY folders will go home with papers for the week.
*AR Book Bags will be going home a couple more times this year.  Please follow directions on the paper inside the bag.  Thank you for your help with this new routine.  
*Big THANKS to Kate Schaap for copying for our classroom all year long! :)

Monday, June 5: Walking Trip to Herrick District Library- Please send kids to school with comfy shoes!  
Wednesday, June 7: Field Day in the Afternoon- Sneakers please!  
Thursday, June 8: Aquatic Center in the Morning- Students need swim suit and towel in a bag!  
Tuesday, June 13: Last Day, Dismissal at 11:30

MATH  (May 30-June 2)
Chapter 8: Explore 2-Digit Addition, Methods of 2-D Addition, Addition of Tens and Ones, Discuss Solution Methods

READING May 30-June 2)
Amazing Words: determined, technology, stalled, sketch, inventor, stable, biplane, speech

High-Frequency Words: built, science, early, through, learn

**Spelling Words (TEST on June 2): saw, straw, paw, lawn, draw, law, yawn, crawl, jaw, hawk

Main Idea & Details -Alexander Graham Bell:A Great Inventor


EBLI Lessons   

We are wrapping up the year with healthy eating and lifestyle habits.  

Monday, May 15, 2017

Week 36 (May 22-26)

Our virtue for the month of May is INTEGRITY.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.

*Spelling is a part of our weekly routine.  Words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas should go home and back each day. FRIDAY folders will go home with papers for the week.
*AR Book Bags will be going home in the weeks ahead.  Please follow directions on the paper inside the bag.  Thank you for your help with this new routine.  
*Big THANKS to Kate Irvin for copying for our classroom all year long! :)

Friday, May 26: Outdoor Discovery Center Trip  
Monday, May 29: OFF, Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 7: Field Day in the Afternoon
Thursday, June 8: Aquatic Center in the Morning
Tuesday, June 13: Last Day, Dismissal at 11:30

MATH  (May 22-26)
We will be completing the Math Numeracy Test this week.  This is the third and final time the students will be assessed on these skills to show mastery for second grade.  

READING (May 22-26)
Amazing Words: gadget, convenient, pilot, cellar, equipment, engine, steer, furnace

High-Frequency Words: against, goes, heavy, kinds, today

**Spelling Words (TEST on May 26): oil, soil, voice, point, coin, join, boy, oink, boil, toy

Main Idea & Details -Simple Machines *No regular reading test on Friday due to our Field Trip*


EBLI Lessons   

Science: We will be wrapping up the year with healthy eating habits and healthy lifestyles.  We will also prepare for our visit to the Discovery Center on Friday.  

Monday, May 8, 2017

Week 35 (May 15-19)

Our virtue for the month of May is INTEGRITY.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.

*Spelling is a part of our weekly routine.  Words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas should go home and back each day. FRIDAY folders will go home with papers for the week.
*AR Book Bags will be going home in the weeks ahead.  Please follow directions on the paper inside the bag.  Thank you for your help with this new routine.  
*Big THANKS to Kate Irvin for copying for our classroom all year long! :)

Wednesday, May 10: Dismissal at 11:30, Tulip Time
Thursday, May 11: Tulip Time Parade in Afternoon- students must have a Dutch costume to participate in the Parade
Tuesday, May 16: 9-10 NWEA Test
Thursday, May 18: 9-10 NWEA Test
Friday, May 26: Outdoor Discovery Center Trip  
Monday, May 29: OFF, Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 7: Field Day in the Afternoon
Thursday, June 8: Aquatic Center in the Morning
Tuesday, June 13: Last Day, Dismissal at 11:30

MATH  (May 15-19)
Chapter 7:  Mathematical Practices, Quick Quiz/Mad Minute, Review and CH 7 Assessment

READING (May 15-19)
Amazing Words: explanation, wonder, encouragingly, suspects, riddle, confused, case

High-Frequency Words: among, another, instead, none

**Spelling Words (TEST on May 19): book, moon, took, food, look, pool, zoo, noon, good, foot

Compare and Contrast- Dot & Jabber

Pronouns: I, me

EBLI Lessons   

Science: We are learning about weather. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Composing shapes from different polygons

Week 34 (May 8-12)

Our virtue for the month of May is INTEGRITY.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.

*Spelling is a part of our weekly routine.  Words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas should go home and back each day. FRIDAY folders will go home with papers for the week.
*AR Book Bags will be going home in the weeks ahead.  Please follow directions on the paper inside the bag.  Thank you for your help with this new routine.  

Here are some potential learning activities to replace homework time if you so choose:
1. FrontRow- each student has a login with their first name and last name initial.  Code:hulstr
2. MegaMath- a google search will find this quickly.  These math interactives align to our math
3. MAP Math/MAP Reading (these sites have activities and games geared to student individual RIT levels- I will share these at conferences in a couple weeks)
4. Spelling Practice (chalk, finger paint, shaving cream, computer practice, creative sentences using words...)
5. Visit a library and check out some new books
6. Read!  :)
*Big THANKS to Kate Irvin for copying for our classroom! :)

Wednesday, May 10: Dismissal at 11:30, Tulip Time
Thursday, May 11: Tulip Time Parade in Afternoon- students must have a Dutch costume to participate in the Parade
Week of May 15: Spring NWEA Testing
Monday, May 29: OFF, Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 7: Field Day in the Afternoon
Thursday, June 8: Aquatic Center in the Morning
Tuesday, June 13: Last Day, Dismissal at 11:30

MATH  (May 8-12)
Chapter 7:  Order by Length, Measure by Length Units, Measurement Practice

READING (May 8-12)
Amazing Words: miserable, selfish, ignore, proper, freedom, shrug, fond, scarcely

High-Frequency Words: door, loved, wood, should

**Spelling Words (TEST on May 12): mouth, house, found, our, out, cloud, ouch, shout, round, count

Draw Conclusions- Mole and the Baby Bird


EBLI Lessons   

Science: We are learning about weather.