Friday, December 16, 2016

Week 17 (Jan. 3-6, 2017!!)

Happy New Year!  

*Our virtue for the month of January is Perseverance.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.

*Spelling is a part of our weekly routine.  Words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas should go home and back each day. FRIDAY folders will go home with papers for the week.

I do feel strongly in reading daily.   I truly believe that the more kids read (or are read to), the better readers they become.  Exposure to print, story elements, and spelling patterns are all so important at this level and help to create a love of reading and learning.  Please take time throughout the week to read with your child.  If your child is an independent reader, they may want to journal about what they are reading or discuss it with a family member to gain a deeper understanding.  All reading and reading activities can go towards the 20 minute/day BOOK-IT reward.  Monthly calendars are sent home.  

Here are some potential learning activities to replace homework time if you so choose:
1. FrontRow- each student has a login with their first name and last name initial.  Code:hulstr
2. MAP Math/MAP Reading (these sites have activities and games geared to student individual RIT levels- I will share these at conferences in a couple weeks)
3. Spelling Practice (chalk, finger paint, shaving cream, computer practice, creative sentences using words...)
4. Visit a library and check out some new books
5. Read!  :)
*Big THANKS to Kate Irvin for copying for our classroom! :)

December 22- Jan. 2: OFF for Holiday Break
Monday, January 2: OFF
Tuesday, January 3: First Day back to Class after break
Monday, January 16: No School, Staff PD Day
Friday, January 27: End of Quarter 2
Monday, January 30: Begin Quarter 3

MATH after break (Jan. 3-6)
Chapter 4: Teen Addition Strategies, Investigate Doubles, Understand Tens and Ones

READING after break (Jan. 3-6)
Amazing Words: citizen, law, branch, patrol, community, leader, headquarters, earn

High-Frequency Words: live, out, people, who, work

**Spelling Words (TEST on Jan. 6): like, ride, smile, time, white, bike, dime, hide, ice, kite** 

Author's Purpose- Who Works Here?

Capitalization Rules: Special Titles

EBLI Lessons

Science: Our topic is Earth's Surface.  We will be learning about the Surface and Layers of Earth, Sedimentary, Igneous, & Metamorphic Rocks, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Slow and Fast Land Changes.  

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Week 16 (Dec. 19-21)

*Our virtue for the month is SELF-CONTROL.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.

*Spelling is a part of our weekly routine.  Words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas should go home and back each day. FRIDAY folders will go home with papers for the week.

I do feel strongly in reading daily.   I truly believe that the more kids read (or are read to), the better readers they become.  Exposure to print, story elements, and spelling patterns are all so important at this level and help to create a love of reading and learning.  Please take time throughout the week to read with your child.  If your child is an independent reader, they may want to journal about what they are reading or discuss it with a family member to gain a deeper understanding.  All reading and reading activities can go towards the 20 minute/day BOOK-IT reward.  Monthly calendars are sent home.  

Here are some potential learning activities to replace homework time if you so choose:
1. FrontRow- each student has a login with their first name and last name initial.  Code:hulstr
2. MAP Math/MAP Reading (these sites have activities and games geared to student individual RIT levels- I will share these at conferences in a couple weeks)
3. Spelling Practice (chalk, finger paint, shaving cream, computer practice, creative sentences using words...)
4. Visit a library and check out some new books
5. Read!  :)
*Big THANKS to Kate Irvin for copying for our classroom! :)

December 22- Jan. 2: OFF for Holiday Break
Monday, January 2: OFF
Tuesday, January 3: First Day back to Class after break
Monday, January 16: No School, Staff PD Day
Friday, January 27: End of Quarter 2
Monday, January 30: Begin Quarter 3

MATH next Week (Dec. 19-21)
We will be doing some holiday math problem solving, addition, and subtraction.

READING next Week (Dec. 19-21)
This week we will be doing some holiday reading and writing activities.  

EBLI Lessons

Science: We will wrap up our study on Space before the holiday.  After the break, we will be learning about the Earth's surface.  

Students read our weekly story to their stuffed animals this morning! They were great teachers!

Our star this week!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Week 15 (Dec. 12-16)

*Our virtue for the month is SELF-CONTROL.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.

*Spelling is a part of our weekly routine.  Words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas should go home and back each day. FRIDAY folders will go home with papers for the week.

I do feel strongly in reading daily.   I truly believe that the more kids read (or are read to), the better readers they become.  Exposure to print, story elements, and spelling patterns are all so important at this level and help to create a love of reading and learning.  Please take time throughout the week to read with your child.  If your child is an independent reader, they may want to journal about what they are reading or discuss it with a family member to gain a deeper understanding.  All reading and reading activities can go towards the 20 minute/day BOOK-IT reward.  Monthly calendars are sent home.  

Here are some potential learning activities to replace homework time if you so choose:
1. FrontRow- each student has a login with their first name and last name initial.  Code:hulstr
2. MAP Math/MAP Reading (these sites have activities and games geared to student individual RIT levels- I will share these at conferences in a couple weeks)
3. Spelling Practice (chalk, finger paint, shaving cream, computer practice, creative sentences using words...)
4. Visit a library and check out some new books
5. Read!  :)
*Big THANKS to Kate Irvin for copying for our classroom! :)

December 22- Jan. 2: OFF for Holiday Break
Monday, January 2: OFF
Tuesday, January 3: First Day back to Class after break
Monday, January 16: No School, Staff PD Day
Friday, January 27: End of Quarter 2
Monday, January 30: Begin Quarter 3

MATH next Week (Dec. 12-16)
Chapter 4:Tens Groupings, Represent and Compare Teen Numbers, Teen Addition Strategies

READING next Week (Dec. 12-16)
Amazing Words: group, share, borrow, rehearsal, respect, aquarium, lines, soothe

High-Frequency Words: be, of, could, old, horse, paper

**Spelling Words (TEST on Dec. 16): face, safe, cage, name, made, make, cake, age, take, late** 

Cause and Effect - The Farmer in the Hat

Proper Nouns

EBLI Lessons

Science: Our topic is Earth in Space.  We will be learning about the Earth, Sun, and Moon and how they rotate and revolve.  We will learn about what causes Day & Night, and the Seasons of the year. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Week 14 (Dec. 5-9)

*Thank you for taking the time to meet for conferences and work together to help the children be successful!  

 *Our virtue for the month is SELF-CONTROL.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.
*Spelling is a part of our weekly routine.  Words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas should go home and back each day. FRIDAY folders will go home with papers for the week.

I do feel strongly in reading daily.   I truly believe that the more kids read (or are read to), the better readers they become.  Exposure to print, story elements, and spelling patterns are all so important at this level and help to create a love of reading and learning.  Please take time throughout the week to read with your child.  If your child is an independent reader, they may want to journal about what they are reading or discuss it with a family member to gain a deeper understanding.  All reading and reading activities can go towards the 20 minute/day BOOK-IT reward.  Monthly calendars are sent home.  

Here are some potential learning activities to replace homework time if you so choose:
1. FrontRow- each student has a login with their first name and last name initial.  Code:hulstr
2. MAP Math/MAP Reading (these sites have activities and games geared to student individual RIT levels- I will share these at conferences in a couple weeks)
3. Spelling Practice (chalk, finger paint, shaving cream, computer practice, creative sentences using words...)
4. Visit a library and check out some new books
5. Read!  :)
*Big THANKS to Kate Irvin for copying for our classroom! :)

December 22- Jan. 2: OFF for Holiday Break

MATH next Week (Dec. 5-9)
This week we will be wrapping up Chapter 3 with an assessment at the end of the week.  We continue to solve addition and subtraction equations, and finding unknowns in equations.

READING next Week (Dec. 5-9)
Amazing Words: chore, cooperation, commute, downtown, household, rule, subway, display

High-Frequency Words: catch, good, no, put, said, want

**Spelling Words (TEST on Dec. 9):  fish, then, shut, with, rush, shell, shop, trash, thin, ship** 

Sequence - A Big Fish for Max

Common Nouns

EBLI Lessons

Science: Our topic is Earth in Space.  We will be learning about the Earth, Sun, and Moon and how they rotate and revolve.  We will learn about what causes Day & Night, and the Seasons of the year. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Weeks 12 & 13 (Nov. 21-Dec. 2)

* Report Cards will be sent home with children on Monday, Nov. 14. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on the evening of Monday, Nov. 21 and the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 22.  Please sign up with the instructions from the office if you haven't already.  We have a half day on Wednesday, Nov. 23 and No School Nov. 24-25. 

 *Our virtue for the month is GRATITUDE.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.  Vanderbilt will also be collecting food for those in need in our area over the coming weeks. Our school is collecting food for a FOOD DRIVE.  Please continue to bring in items through Friday, Nov. 18.  
*Spelling is now a part of our weekly routine.  Words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas should go home and back each day. FRIDAY folders will go home with papers for the week.

I do feel strongly in reading daily.   I truly believe that the more kids read (or are read to), the better readers they become.  Exposure to print, story elements, and spelling patterns are all so important at this level and help to create a love of reading and learning.  Please take time throughout the week to read with your child.  If your child is an independent reader, they may want to journal about what they are reading or discuss it with a family member to gain a deeper understanding.

Here are some potential learning activities to replace homework time if you so choose:
1. FrontRow- each student has a login with their first name and last name initial.  Code:hulstr
2. MAP Math/MAP Reading (these sites have activities and games geared to student individual RIT levels- I will share these at conferences in a couple weeks)
3. Spelling Practice (chalk, finger paint, shaving cream, computer practice, creative sentences using words...)
4. Visit a library and check out some new books
5. Read!  :)
*Big THANKS to Kate Irvin for copying for our classroom! :)
Monday, November 14-Thursday, Dec. 1: Swim Lessons (No lessons 11/18 or 11/23) 9:45-10:30 at the Holland Aquatic Center- you are welcome to watch from the bleachers!    Please help remind the kids to keep at valuables at home so nothing is lost.  Thanks. 

Monday, November 21: Full Day of School, Conferences in the Evening
Tuesday, November 22: Full Day of School, Conferences in the Evening
Wednesday, November 23: Dismissal at 11:30 for the Break- Off the rest of the week.  Back on 11/28. 

December 22- Jan. 2: OFF for Holiday Break

MATH over the next Weeks (Nov. 21-Dec. 2)
Unit 3: Unknown Partners, Subtraction Strategies, Subtraction Stories, Relate Addition and Subtraction Situations, Mixed Practice.

**READING next Week (Nov. 21-23)
We will be completing the ELA Interim Test this week, along with some Thanksgiving activities.  

READING next Week (Nov. 28-Dec. 2)
Amazing Words: desert, world, silent, medicine, forest, chatter, snort, poisonous

High-Frequency Words: home, into, many, them

**Spelling Words (TEST on Dec. 2):  crust, bump, jump, must, just, dust, trust, dusk, hunt, lump** 

Cause and Effect - Animal Park

Exclamatory Sentences

EBLI Lessons

Science: Our topic is Earth in Space.  We will be learning about the Earth, Sun, and Moon and how they rotate and revolve.  We will learn about what causes Day & Night, and the Seasons of the year.  

Monday, November 7, 2016

Our star this week!

Week 11 (Nov. 14-18)

* Report Cards will be sent home with children on Monday, Nov. 14. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on the evening of Monday, Nov. 21 and the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 22.  Please sign up with the instructions from the office if you haven't already.  We have a half day on Wednesday, Nov. 23 and No School Nov. 24-25. 

 *Our virtue for the month is GRATITUDE.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.  Vanderbilt will also be collecting food for those in need in our area over the coming weeks. Our school is collecting food for a FOOD DRIVE.  Please continue to bring in items through Friday, Nov. 18.  
*Spelling is now a part of our weekly routine.  Words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas should go home and back each day. FRIDAY folders will go home with papers for the week.

I do feel strongly in reading daily.   I truly believe that the more kids read (or are read to), the better readers they become.  Exposure to print, story elements, and spelling patterns are all so important at this level and help to create a love of reading and learning.  Please take time throughout the week to read with your child.  If your child is an independent reader, they may want to journal about what they are reading or discuss it with a family member to gain a deeper understanding.

Here are some potential learning activities to replace homework time if you so choose:
1. FrontRow- each student has a login with their first name and last name initial.  Code:hulstr
2. MAP Math/MAP Reading (these sites have activities and games geared to student individual RIT levels- I will share these at conferences in a couple weeks)
3. Spelling Practice (chalk, finger paint, shaving cream, computer practice, creative sentences using words...)
4. Visit a library and check out some new books
5. Read!  :)
*Big THANKS to Kate Irvin for copying for our classroom! :)
*Thanks to all the volunteers that are helping to make our VIP/Harvest a success!

Monday, November 14-Thursday, Dec. 1: Swim Lessons (No lessons 11/18 or 11/23) 9:45-10:30 at the Holland Aquatic Center- you are welcome to watch from the bleachers!    Please help remind the kids to keep at valuables at home so nothing is lost.  Thanks. 

Monday, November 21: Full Day of School, Conferences in the Evening
Tuesday, November 22: Full Day of School, Conferences in the Evening
Wednesday, November 23: Dismissal at 11:30 for the Break- Off the rest of the week.  Back on 11/28. 

December 22- Jan. 2: OFF for Holiday Break

MATH next Week (Nov. 14-18)
Unit 3: Explore Unknowns, Problems with Unknown Partners, Solve Equations with Unknown Partners.

READING next Week (Nov. 14-18)
Amazing Words: habitat, survive, croak, hatch, chirp, moist

High-Frequency Words: saw, tree, small, your

**Spelling Words: men, red, step, ten, net, leg, jet, sled, wet, bed ** 

Main Idea and Details - Get the Egg! 

Interrogative Sentences

EBLI Lessons

Science: Our topic is Earth in Space.  We will be learning about the Earth, Sun, and Moon and how they rotate and revolve.  We will learn about what causes Day & Night, and the Seasons of the year.  

Monday, October 31, 2016

Week 10 (Nov. 7-10)

* Report Cards will be sent home with children on Monday, Nov. 14. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on the evening of Monday, Nov. 21 and the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 22.  Please sign up with the instructions from the office.  We have a half day on Wednesday, Nov. 23 and No School Nov. 24-25. 

 *Our virtue for the month is GRATITUDE.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.  Vanderbilt will also be collecting food for those in need in our area over the coming weeks. 
*Spelling is now a part of our weekly routine.  Words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas should go home and back each day. FRIDAY folders will go home with papers for the week.  

I do feel strongly in reading daily.   I truly believe that the more kids read (or are read to), the better readers they become.  Exposure to print, story elements, and spelling patterns are all so important at this level and help to create a love of reading and learning.  Please take time throughout the week to read with your child.  If your child is an independent reader, they may want to journal about what they are reading or discuss it with a family member to gain a deeper understanding. 

Here are some potential learning activities to replace homework time if you so choose:
1. FrontRow- each student has a login with their first name and last name initial.  Code:hulstr
2. MAP Math/MAP Reading (these sites have activities and games geared to student individual RIT levels- I will share these at conferences in a couple weeks)
3. Spelling Practice (chalk, finger paint, shaving cream, computer practice, creative sentences using words...)
4. Visit a library and check out some new books
5. Read!  :)
*Big THANKS to Kate Irvin for copying for our classroom! :)
*Thanks to all the volunteers that are helping to make our VIP/Harvest a success!
Friday, November 11: No School, Teacher PD Day
Monday, November 14-Thursday, Dec. 1: Swim Lessons (No lessons 11/18 or 11/23) 9:45-10:30 at the Holland Aquatic Center- you are welcome to watch from the bleachers!    
Monday, November 21: Full Day of School, Conferences in the Evening
Tuesday, November 22: Full Day of School, Conferences in the Evening
Wednesday, November 23: Dismissal at 11:30 for the Break- Off the rest of the week.  Back on 11/28. 
December 22- Jan. 2: OFF for Holiday Break

MATH next Week (Nov. 7-10)
Unit 3: Explore Unknowns, Problems with Unknown Partners, Solve Equations with Unknown Partners.

READING next Week (Nov. 7-10)
Amazing Words: observe, wild, screech, reserve, parent, canopy, million, native

High-Frequency Words: eat, five, four, her, this, too

**Spelling Words: sit, sits, win, wins, fit, fits, hit, hits, nap, naps ** TEST ON THURSDAY! 

Characters, Setting, Plot - A Fox and a Kit

Declarative Sentences

EBLI Lessons

Social Studies: This week we will focus on the election before moving into our science topic on Earth in Space! 

Our star this week!