Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Looking ahead to Quarter 2...


***FOOD DRIVE items can be brought to school each day!***
*Enrichment Blocks in Reading and Math are taking place M-Th each week. This allows for small group differentiated instruction twice each day.
*As we gain our stamina in independent work,we are also working with additional small groups each morning. RTI and ELL are also offering small group assistance during this time.
*Agendas and Take-Home Folders need to go home and back each day. Also, please sign your child's agenda each day. Agendas not signed results in a DOJO down.
*Weekly homework packets will go home on Monday and need to be completed and returned by Friday morning. No homework by the end of the week results in a DOJO down and homework may earn rewards!
*It is important to write a note in their agenda if there is a change to their regular dismissal location. Front door is car pick-up and back door is walkers and Boys/Girls Club.
*Looking Ahead... Report Cards will be sent home with children on Monday, Nov. 17. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on the evening of Monday, Nov. 24 and the afternoon of Tuesday, Nov. 25 (which is a half day for the students). No School Nov. 26-28. 

MATH next Week (Nov. 10-14)
Beginning Chapter 3: Subtraction Strategies, Subtraction Stories and Games, Practice with Subtraction Stories, and Relating Addition and Subtraction Situations.

READING next Week (Nov. 10-14)
Amazing Words: habitat, hatch, survive, croak, chirp, moist

**Spelling Words: men, red, step, ten, net, leg, jet, sled, wet, bed **

Characters, Setting, Plot, Main Ideas & Details - Get the Egg!

Interrogative Sentences

EBLI Lessons

Social Studies next Week
We will be focusing on communities, rights, responsibilities and jobs in our families.  

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