Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Info: Week 5 (Oct. 5-9)

*We have begun our Enrichment Blocks in Reading and Math. This allows for smaller group differentiated instruction twice each day M-Th. We have also begun our Access time ELA rotations during our stamina time.  The students are off to a great start! 
*Agendas and Take-Home Folders need to go home and back each day. Also, please sign your child's agenda each day. Thanks!
*Weekly homework packets will go home on Monday and need to be completed and returned by Friday morning.
*Please write a note in their agenda if there is a change to their regular dismissal location. Front door is car pick-up and back door is walkers and Boys/Girls Club.
*Wednesday, Oct. 7 we will be walking to the Holland Farmer's Market. We will also be reading a story the following week about a farmer's market.

Lesson Topics: Represent Addition, Addition with Circle Drawings, Addition Equations and Addition Stories.

Amazing Words: classmate, polite, recess, applaud, success, education, principal, science, complicated

Plot, Questioning- School Day


EBLI Lessons

We will wrap up our topic of the EARTH in SPACE. We are learning about the Earth, Moon, & Sun, Reasons for Day & Night, Reasons for the Seasons, and Rotations & Revolutions. We will also begin our new topic on the Earth's Surface.  We will be learning about rocks, minerals, layers of Earth, earthquakes, volcanoes, and fast/slow changes to the Earth. 

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