Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 13 (Nov. 30- Dec. 4)

 *Our virtue for the month is SELF-CONTROL.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue. 
*Spelling words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas and Take-Home Folders should go home and back each day. Please sign daily. 

Academic Opportunities at Home:
*  (Login: First Name and Last Initial, Password: 7h5xwm)
* (School Code: mi3748, students have individual codes)
*MAP Math/MAP Reading (Activities aligned to NWEA RIT scores)
*READ, read, READ, read!  :)
*Big THANKS to Amber Shepard for copying for our classroom!
December 21- Jan. 1: OFF for Holiday Break
Monday, Jan. 18: No School, Staff PD Day
Friday, Jan. 22: End of Quarter 2
Week of Jan. 25: Interim 2 Testing

MATH next Week (Nov. 30- Dec. 4)
 Chapter 3: Addition Game: Unknown Partners, Practice with Unknown Partners, Subtraction Strategies, Subtraction Stories and Games

READING next Week (Nov. 30- Dec. 4)
Amazing Words: desert, forest, world, chatter, silent, snort, medicine, poisonous

**Spelling Words: crust, must, trust, lump, bump, just, dusk, jump, dust, hunt **

Characters, Setting, Plot, Main Idea & Details - Animal Park

  EBLI Lessons

Social Studies
  We will begin a MAPPING Unit. 

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