Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 28 (March 28-31)

*Our virtue for the month of March is Encouragement .  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue. 
*Spelling words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.  SPELLING TEST on THURSDAY this week! 
*Agendas and Take-Home Folders should go home and back each day. Please sign daily. 

Academic Opportunities at Home:
*  (Login: First Name and Last Initial, Password: 7h5xwm)
* (School Code: mi3748, students have individual codes)
*MAP Math/MAP Reading (Activities aligned to NWEA RIT scores)
*READ, read, READ, read!  :)
*Big THANKS to Amber Shepard for copying for our classroom!

Monday, March 28: crazy hair day
Tuesday, March 29: twin day
Wednesday, March 30: neon day
Thursday, March 31: dress like a book character day (must bring book to school with you)
Thursday, March 31: End of Q3
Friday, April 1- 8: Off, Spring Vacation
Monday, April 11: Beginning of Q4
Friday, April 29: No School, PD Day

MATH next Week (March 28-31)
 Chapter 6: Introduce Comparison Bars, Comparison Bars and Comparing Language, Solving Compare Problems.

READING next Week (March 28-31)
Amazing Words: impression, familiar, favorite, memory, errand, stampede

High-Frequency Words: above, eight, laugh, moon, touch

**Spelling Words March 28-31: lie, tie, high, might, right, night, bright, light, pie, tight

A Southern Ranch: Facts and Details

Adjectives for What Kind

EBLI Lessons

We will wrap up our Science objective, and begin Social Studies for the final marking period after break. 

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