Friday, May 20, 2016

Week 36 (May 31-June 3)

*Spelling words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.  **JUNE 3 is our last spelling test!
*Agendas and Take-Home Folders should go home and back each day. Please sign daily. 

Academic Opportunities at Home:
*  (Login: First Name and Last Initial, Password: 7h5xwm)
* (School Code: mi3748, students have individual codes)
*MAP Math/MAP Reading (Activities aligned to NWEA RIT scores)
*READ, read, READ, read!  :)
*Big THANKS to Amber Shepard for copying for our classroom!
Wednesday, June 1: Walking Field Trip to Herrick Library
Tuesday, June 7: Field Day in the Afternoon
Thursday, June 9: Field Trip to the Aquatic Center
Tuesday, June 14: Last Day of School, Dismissal at 11:30 **Report Cards go home!

MATH next Week (May 31- June 3)  Chapter 8: We will be wrapping up Chapter 8: Two-Digit Addition this week with an assessment at the end of the week. 

READING next Week (May 31- June 3)
Amazing Words: accomplish, original, (un)manned, exclaim, doubt, glider, soar

High-Frequency Words: answered, different, carry, poor

**Spelling Words May 31- June 3: unhappy, undo, undress, untie, unkind, rewind, refill, repay, retell, reopen. 

The Stone Garden  **May 31- June 3 IS OUR FINAL "regular" week of ELA. 
Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
EBLI Lessons
Social Studies


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