Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Week 8 (Oct. 24-28)


*Our virtue for the month is WISDOM.  We have been spending time focusing on the importance of taking responsibility at home and at school.   Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.
*Spelling is added in Unit 1 for our students.  Words can be found here on the blog.  Students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery!
*Agendas go home and back each day. Friday Folders go home on Fridays and are emptied over the weekend.
*Big THANKS to Kate Irvin for copying for our classroom!
*VIP Day is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 28 from 8:10-8:50.  Our classroom has limited space, so please choose 1 (or at most 2) special guest for the time frame.  Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to bring something in for our special day!  BIG THANKS to our all parents that helped with donations!!
*Friday, Nov. 4: End of Quarter 1
*Friday, Nov. 11: No School (Staff PD Day)

Subtraction with Drawings & Equations, Subtraction Practice, Generate Subtraction Problems

Spelling for Oct. 24-28: Short i: six, wig, mix, fix, lip, it, sit, in, did, pin

Amazing Words: career, tool, sloppy, comfort, service, scrub, exercise, search

Plot, Summarizing: Pig in a Wig 

Subjects of the Sentence

EBLI Lessons

Social Studies: We are continuing to learn about PATRIOTIC symbols and their importance to our country.  

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