Friday, February 17, 2017

Week 25 (Feb. 27- March 3)

Our virtue for the month of February is Courage.  Each Monday, we celebrate "Moral Focus Monday" with lessons devoted to our school virtue.

*Spelling is a part of our weekly routine.  Words are introduced each Monday and the students are tested on Fridays.  Please take time to review these ten words throughout the week for mastery.
*Agendas should go home and back each day. FRIDAY folders will go home with papers for the week.

I do feel strongly in reading daily.   I truly believe that the more kids read (or are read to), the better readers they become.  Exposure to print, story elements, and spelling patterns are all so important at this level and help to create a love of reading and learning.  Please take time throughout the week to read with your child.  If your child is an independent reader, they may want to journal about what they are reading or discuss it with a family member to gain a deeper understanding.  All reading and reading activities can go towards the 20 minute/day BOOK-IT reward.  Monthly calendars are sent home.  **February Calendars have already been sent home.

Here are some potential learning activities to replace homework time if you so choose:
1. FrontRow- each student has a login with their first name and last name initial.  Code:hulstr
2. MAP Math/MAP Reading (these sites have activities and games geared to student individual RIT levels- I will share these at conferences in a couple weeks)
3. Spelling Practice (chalk, finger paint, shaving cream, computer practice, creative sentences using words...)
4. Visit a library and check out some new books
5. Read!  :)
*Big THANKS to Kate Irvin for copying for our classroom! :)

Friday, March 10: No School, Staff PD Day
Thursday, March 30: End of Q3
Friday, March 31- Friday, April 7: No School, Spring Break
Monday, April 10: Beginning of Q4

MATH  (Feb. 27- March 3)
CH 5: Add and Subtract 10, Add and Subtract Multiples of Ten, Mathematical Practices, Quick Quiz/Fact Fluency

READING (Feb. 27- March 3)
Amazing Words: cycle, insect, flurries, fragile, develop, rearrange, emerge, vessel

High-Frequency Words: done, visit, know, wait, push

**Spelling Words (TEST on March 3): her, first, bird, girl, burn, were, shirt, fur, hurt, sir

Fact and Opinion - I'm a Caterpillar

Verbs: am, is, are, was, were

EBLI Lessons **This week we are also practicing for our ELA Interim Test next week.  

Social Studies: 
We are learning about the continents and countries around the world. 

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